Friday, 6 September 2013

Skills Development - AS to A2

Choosing Media Studies as an A Level subject requires you to take a lot on board when it comes to learning new skills and applying them to your work. Not only is a large amount of research and planning required, but a fairly sound knowledge of Photoshop is integral to coursework pieces.
Our introductory task at AS level was to create a perfume advert using Photoshop and our own, original images. Looking at the contrast between that and the finished version of my music magazine, I believe it can be clearly seen that my knowledge and skills in this area have developed greatly. When planning the perfume advert, I made several different drafts which were both hand drawn and digital; I think that this was good practice for the drafting process of my music magazine. I was very happy with the C grade I got overall but, looking back at the advert; I can clearly see that it needs some serious corrections. I had failed to follow the conventions of an advert by not sticking to the rule of using three colours (I had used four), I had also placed my masthead in the centre of the advert, which is not the correct or normal placement for it as it looks out of place and draws attention to the wrong areas of the product.
By doing such tasks as the perfume advert and the preliminary task of making a college magazine I have gained a better understanding of  the conventions of magazines and advertisements, using Photoshop, and how to appeal to a specific target audience. When taking the original images for my college magazine, I used  a digital SLR camera, supplied to me by the college. I thought it would be a good choice to not only get photographs of the buildings on the site, but also of my fellow students taking part in their daily routines Although I still maintain the opinion that the ideas behind the original images were good, I personally  believe that at the time, I was lacking in enough experience and knowledge to produce what I believe would be top standard photographs. With regard to the Contents page of my college magazine, I found that task very difficult, and the same can be said for when I was producing the Contents page for my music magazine. I was not happy with the final result. When comparing my preliminary task with my music magazine, I believe that there is a stark contrast between the two items of work which demonstrates a greater knowledge. For example, the image I chose for the front cover of my college magazine does not follow conventions of what a main image should be. Front cover images are conventionally mid-shots or close ups whereas the image on my college magazine’s front cover is a long shot which is also slightly out of frame, something which would never be done on a front cover.
It is safe to say that I am extremely happy with the overall outcome of my finished music magazine. I believe that because I enjoyed the task, it encouraged me to put all my effort into the end product. To take my images,  I once again used a digital SLR camera, which I  borrowed from  the college. I took all of my original images in college, as it was the only time that my friends were able to pose for the shots.  This was also a positive factor, as our Media department is very well equipped and prepared for assisting us with our work, and the facilities were available for us to use at any time that we liked. After taking over twenty images of my friend, Adam, I decided on the final cover shot because not only was it the correct shot to use as a main image (medium close-up), but I  believe it was very effective, as he was looking directly at the camera and his eyes stand out, which was the result that I was hoping to achieve. The main thing I found difficult about this task was the evaluation as I found it hard to write in detail about what I’d done and I believe this was the thing that brought my grade down overall. Although I didn’t enjoy writing the evaluation I can now see why it was useful for us to do as it gave us all a chance to reflect on our own work as well as teaching us to make conscious decisions in productions of our piece. We were mostly left to our own devices when it came to the planning and preparation for our music magazine. Our teachers gave us brief outlines on what to include but it was mostly independent work. This helped me develop my time management skills along with allowing me the freedom to do what I wanted when I wanted. I spent a large amount of time documenting all of my steps towards creating my final product and publishing them on my blog. This includes creating a mood board video (using Windows Movie Maker) and filming a behind the scenes short movie of my first photo shoot; this also helped me with my knowledge on video editing, something which will aid me in my A2 coursework. I believe this was a very important factor as it has helped prepare me for Media Studies at A2 and made it easier to manage other subjects independently. 
When starting this course last year, I had little to no knowledge on Photoshop as I’d only used it a couple of times very briefly. I soon learnt how to use it properly with regard to my given tasks. The skills I acquired were learning how to correctly delete parts of images using the magic wand tool (something which can be seen when comparing my perfume advert and music magazine), enhancing/changing colours using the brightness, contrast and black and white settings, along with altering hair and eye colour by adding an extra layer over the top. My experience with photography also increased greatly when producing these pieces of work as I learnt how to take a correct type of shot and apply lighting in the right areas, something which is really important when trying to achieve a realistic product.

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